Monday, June 8, 2009

Are those open sores or are you just happy to see me

Oh yes, just as I expected, those vines were definitely poison ivy, either that or I’ve spontaneously broken out in leprosy. Hmmm, thrown into a nice leper colony and left alone for fear of spreading my disease to others.... ok, while tempting, if leprosy itches like poison ivy then I think I’d rather just be killed, or at the very least scratched with a rake until I bled to death. It would be the ecstasy and the agony all wrapped up into one neat bundle.

I’m slathered in some vile smelling concoction cream that screams “STOPS THE ITCH FOR UP TO 8 HOURS” on the box, but this crap has only given me, at most, a half hour of relief before I’m slathering even more on. The color is one shade of caucasian skin tone from the pink calamine crap you normally bathe in for poison ivy, which means its neon tan on my blotchy red-head skin. I look like a leper with bad body make up. I can’t wait for my client meeting tomorrow! First its iced mocha spilled in my lap, now festering sores. Oh, did I mention the huge grotesque zit on the side of my nose. I’m feeling oh so pretty!

We’re suppose to get thunder storms tonight, which means my female husky will claw me in her anxiety over the thunder. I’m actually looking forward to it, since my arms are tired from scratching my oozing skin.


  1. Ouch.

    Just wrote a rather long comment but this time included a URL for my blog, which generally has the appearance of having gone to seed, only to choose PREVIEW and then chose the link to my blog to verify it working...It did, but in going BACK my long comment was unretrievable.

    Shorter...again funny stuff. This is getting ridicules. Just read where those gentlemen from the New Black Panther Party who were outside the voting location smacking nightsticks in their gloved hands intimidating people, had their charges dismissed. I guess the FOX video was not enough evidence.

    In any case, I did add a little post to my blog after seeing the same Miller commercial about 10 times during a 9 inning ball game so if you care to venture hit my moniker.

  2. I have a zit on the side of my nose too. STOP IT!
