Tonight while I was driving home from work, a pigeon swooped into traffic, smashed itself into the side of the car in front of me (that was traveling 50 mph), exploded in a flurry of feathers and was propelled by its own momentum into oncoming traffic. Pigeon suicide.
Two things crossed my mind:
1.) this can’t be a good sign
2.) what made it do that?
Could the pigeon have looked at its online 401K statement and felt that flying into a car was the only alternative?
At least it was a pigeon and not a stock broker. I’d mourn more for the pigeon though.
My husband is currently ranting about the sheet he received from the “sleep disorder” clinic. He’s never been able to sleep well, so he finally went to the doctor who referred him to the sleep disorder clinic. Before bed he’s suppose to either:
read a boring book
write in a journal
He’s claiming that these are women things, men don’t read books and they don’t journal. I can see how this is going to be a rousing success. I think I’ll get some ice cream to eat in bed so at least I have something tasty to eat while he’s ranting about not sleeping.